• Address 18, Bellandur Main Rd, Bellandur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560103
  • E-mail info@qsync.in
  • Phone +91-80-41503090

Java Technology

If you are looking for a cross platform, dynamic and highly secure software application then we have the right kind of solution for you. With our capabilities in Java technologies,

​​you are just a step away from having an application that can enhance your business capabilities and ensure you have a competitive edge over your rivals. We have professionals who have the desired skills in popular tools like Java, Servlets, Swing, CORBA, JSP, Core Java, J2EE, XML, Websphere, JVM, Pjava, MIPS, Tibco, Board Design, Ematrix, XSL, XSLT, Multithreading and more.

​​Qsync Software is your one stop solution for developing highly secure software applications for your enterprise. We develop highly effective applications for all your business needs. Our team of professional consultants are experienced in all core Java technologies like the following:​

  • Java, Servlets, Swing
  • JSP
  • Core Java
  • J2EE
  • XML
  • WebSphere
  • JVM
  • Pjava, MIPS
  • Tibco
  • Board Design, Ematrix
  • XSL
  • XSLT
  • Multithreading


At Qsync Software , we have developers who are experts in general-purpose, object-oriented computer language, Java. Our developers will develop software applications using Java bytecodes. Regardless of your enterprise computer architecture, you get to run these applications on any Java virtual machines. Using Java servlets, our developers also implement applications that are hosted on any web servers. Servlets are known to respond to any type of requests and they usually extend the capabilities of servers. Our developers at Qsync Software also make use of Graphical user interface widget toolkit of Java called Swing. Java swing is considered to be one of the best APIs (Application Programming Interface) to be used. We assist your enterprise in developing sophisticated set of user interface components to your applications by using Java Swing.


At Qsync Software , we have experienced professionals who have high levels of expertise in COBRA programming language. It is the short of “Common Object Request Broker Architecture” .We help your enterprise in developing robust applications using such imperative, object-oriented languages. Our professionals use COBRA for the following benefits it offers to the developers:

  • It supports quality at language level
  • Execution time is usually faster
  • Coding can be a lot quicker.

Using this COBRA programming language as our tools we enable you to exchange information regardless of the hardware platforms, and operating systems.​


At Qsync Software , our software developers make use of JSP, short form of “JavaServer Pages”, to create web pages that are based on HTML, XML, and other documents types. It has access to all Enterprise Java API, like JDBC, JNDI JAXP and so forth. Our developers develop JSP applications using JBoss Developer Studio as a robust tool. We follow a series of tasks in developing application using JSP. Workshop startup, creation of new workspace, WebLogic server configuration are a couple of them to name a few. Furthermore, we create contents in JSP by adding tables and inserting graphics and texts, and adding JSP variable.


At Qsync Software , we believe that core Java plays an integral role in application development especially Android, SE and MicroEJ. Our developers use this Core Java computer software and develop robust application software and securely deploy on cross-platform computer environments. Regardless of what the computing platform is-mobile device, embedded devices or even supercomputers, we at Qsync Software develop apps for you using Java concepts.


If you are one of those large enterprises looking for mainframe-scale computing, then you should think of us for we at Qsync Software , make use of J2EE, which is the short form of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition and develop applications in client tired environment


XML, is the short form of “Extensible Markup Language” and has set its mark in the exchange of data on the Internet. We at Qsync Software , use this language to encode documents. XML uses a lot of its sublanguages to store, structure and transfer data. The following are some of the applications developed using XML:

  • HR-XML-which basically deals with Human Resource and pay deductions language
  • SIF- which is schools interoperability framework
  • ebXML- which is electronic business initiative
  • GML- which is geography markup language


Is your enterprise looking for a software product that serves as a web application server? Then we are here to help. We at Qsync Software use WebSphere which is a software framework developed by IBM, that also works as a web application server. It is the short form of “WAS”. Using WebSphere, we develop applications and can be integrated with other applications.


It is the short form of “Java Virtual Machine”. It basically enables a computer to run on Java programs. At Qsync Software , there are experts who can efficiently handle JVM that can interpret Java binary code for the computer processor. Our professional team has in depth knowledge on all the JVM monitoring tools.


PJava is the short form for PersonalJava that is a version of Java specifically designed for open systems requiring Web Browsing. Using PJava, we at Qsync Software develop applications for PDAs and other handheld devices. MIPS, was traditionally used in embedded and networking. However, now with the support of Java, MIPS will be able to support application development on many MIPS-based devices


At Qsync Software , we make use of Tibco’s integration server software for your enterprise. This will enable an organization to collaborate applications, and custom software which later can be used on both internal and external networks.​


Ematrix is a cluster of applications that are developed by Enovia from Dassault. A product life cycle management tool (PCM), Ematrix a robust software tool. Info central, spec central, designer central and engineering central are some of the components of Ematrix.​


This is the short form of “Extensible Stylesheet Language”. Its stylesheet speaks of how to display an XML document. At Qsync Software , we have developers who have good knowledge on this Extensible Stylesheet Language and can develop business applications based on it.


This is the short form of “Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation”. It is basically used to transform XML documents into other XML documents or into some other formats like HTML, XSL, etc. These can be later converted into PDFs, PNGs etc.


At Qsync Software , we have developers who possess thorough knowledge on Multithreading concepts, which is the execution of many threads at the same time. Thread can be defined as lightweight sub-process. Each of these processes can function independently.

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